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Through university, I have acquired a great knowledge of the context of Latin-America and the Andean world in particular. I graduated in Hispano-American Languages, Literature and Civilizations at the University of Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. At the same time, I followed a 4-year course of Quechua, which, besides learning the language, included a great deal of history, geography, oral and written literature, linguistics and translation. Since I graduated, I have taken advantage of the liberty that offers being a freelance to travel abroad. I've lived a few months in Peru, Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. I've translated for the Peruvian Embassy in France and Recherches amérindiennes au Québec.

Topics covered: ethnology, local traditions, tourism, geography, international trade, etc.

Types of documents translated: tourism and trade brochures, letters, Websites, academic articles, etc.

Example of translation: Comparaison entre la herranza, la « fête de l’eau » et la zafa-casa dans les Andes

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